Android, iOS, Widnows App Store PHP ScriptMobile App Store Script Features

APKPure Clone Script, Start your own mobile app store like

Manage Apps & Games
From admin area you can add / delete / modify mobile apps, games and it’s categories.

Multiple Apps Screenshot Uploader
You can easily upload multiple app / games screenshots at a time.

Slideshow Manager
From admin area, you can add / modify mobile home page slider images and it’s links.

Filter options
User can short apps/games by New, Downloads & Rating.

Easy installation. Installation will take less then 5 minutes.
After you get the script, you can have your website online in just 5 minutes. All you must to do is to edit settings file and enter your database credentials information to install database in just 1 click.

Visitors comments
Site visitors can comment or add their own review on particular app or game with Facebook comments.

Earn money
You can earn money using Google AdSense.

SEO Ready
The script is optimized for search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing:
meta title, meta description and meta keywords are created automatically for every app & games as well as you can write your own!

Built using Codeigniter PHP Framework

Server Requirement

– PHP 5.6 +
– MySql Database
– .htaccess support

Price $99

Single Domain License

Live Demo

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